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Birth of precious honey in the heart of the Balkan forest


After 45 years, a doctor passionate about botany developed a formula to treat skin problems. To do this, he took pollen from specific plants in the heart of the Balkan forests. This precious combination of pollens was then introduced into hives so that the bees transformed these pollens into honey.


The results of this nectar were extraordinary.Originally this honey was used only for its medicinal properties. Mrs. Zigic Schenini Nevenka, creator of PADALITZA products, is at the origin of its use for its cosmetic virtues and in particular for its anti-aging active ingredients. She knew how to combine the benefits of this extraordinary honey from the Balkans with the virtues of African and Amazonian plants.

Vegetal oils

Herself originally from the Balkans, passionate about the beauty of nature, natural products and well-being, Nevenka studied in the field of aromatherapy. After years of experience and research, she acquired solid skills in the field and was able, with the participation of her laboratory in Brittany, to produce PADALITZA cosmetic products with her own formulas.

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